Staff and Directors

Patrick and Terezinha Sell

Training Committee
Anne McCormack
Christopher Place
Patrick Sell

External Assessor
Caroline Kehoe IACP, IAHIP, ICP.

Staff & Associates
Peter Thompson
Kathy Cunningham
Terezinha Sell
Heiner Eisenbarth

Decisions about the training are made by the training committee, which has overall responsibility for assessing students' needs and development. Training Committee assessment is overseen by an external Assessor.

Patrick Sell, CABP, UKCP, IAHIP, ICP.

Patrick Sell is an Integrative Psychotherapist who trained at the Chiron Centre for Psychotherapy in London, and also at the Gerda Boyesen Centre for Biodynamic Psychotherapy in London. He has worked as a psychotherapist and psychotherapy trainer in Britain, Brazil and in Ireland since 1985.

Terezinha Sell, MA Hum. Psych, CRP (BR), LSBP, UKCP

Te Sell is a registered clinical and educational psychologist from Brazil now working as a Humanistic and Bodywork psychotherapist and trainer. Her main training in psychotherapy was at the Antioch University in London, and at the Gerda Boyesen Centre for Biodynamic Psychotherapy.

Heiner Eisenbarth, BA Psych, UKCP.

Heiner Eisenbarth is a registered psychologist from Germany and a trainer and psychotherapist in Biodynamic Psychotherapy. He trained in Biodynamic and Bodywork Psychotherapy in Germany and England, and in addition to Ireland he works in Britain, France, Germany and Switzerland.

Kathy Cunningham, BA Psych, IAHIP, ICP.

Kathy Cunningham is a Psychologist and Biodynamic Psychotherapist who trained at the Boyesen Centre in London. Kathy is the founder of the Centre for Biodynamic and Integrative Psychotherapy, working and training full time here from 1989 to 1997/8, and since then on a part-time basis.

Anne McCormack, IACP, IAHIP, ICP.

Anne McCormack is a trainer and psychotherapist working in Biodynamic and Integrative Psychotherapy. She has worked with cancer support and facilitation, and trained in psychotherapy at the Centre for Biodynamic and Integrative Psychotherapy.

Peter Thompson Dip. ITEC, MIACP

Peter Thompson is a trainer and psychotherapist working in Biodynamic and Integrative Psychotherapy. He is in private practice, is an environmental team leader and group facilitator and is a director of Active Earth International.