- London School of Biodynamic Psychotherapy www.lsbp.org.uk
- Chiron Association www.body-psychotherapy.org.uk
- Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy www.irish-counselling.ie
- Irish Association for Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy www.iahip.com
- European Association for Body Psychotherapy www.eabp.org
- European Association for Psychotherapy www.europsyche.org
- Appachoya Biodynamic Electronic Stethoscopes www.appachoya.com
- Poetry www.davidwhyte.com
- Footprint Consulting www.footprintconsulting.org
- Boghill www.boghill.com
- Sunyata www.sunyatacentre.com
- Lumos Consultancy www.lumosireland.com
- Active Earth International www.activeearth.net
- Galway Counselling Studies www.galwaycounselling.com
- Ecopsychology www.ecopsychology.org.uk
- The Well www.thewell.biz
- SAOR A Bridge to Wellbeing www.brighiddaly.com
- Stepping Stone Counselling www.steppingstonecounselling.ie